Cordyceps Sinensis
The rare Himalayan mushroom has been known to the peoples of the Himalayas for more than 1000 years. Chinese emperors and the Tibetan elite used to add it to their diet. In Bhutan it was only available to the noble family. The medicinal mushroom is harvested in the wild in the pure nature of Bhutan at an altitude of more than 4000m above sea level.

Free sale was allowed in 2008, but the collection and sale are strictly regulated by the state which means one can not buy a singe piece of Cordycepes Sinensis without a certificate of origin also known as "royalty" from the registered nomad or local people. The only registered locals are allowed to harvest and sell in the market together with the royalty. It is either illegal or prohibit to sell the Cordyceps without a royalty within Bhutan. A exporter company like us "Kalpa Taru" which is registered under the Ministry of Trade and Industry (Royal Government of Bhutan) purchases the Cordycepes directly from the locals and export to other countries by procuring an exporting certificate from the Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA) and an certificate of origin from the Ministry of Trade and Industry. There is no other way to export the Cordyceps Sinensis without those two certificates (i.e. Exporting certificate from BAFRA and origin of certificate from the Trade office).

The cordyceps mushroom parasitizes on a rare Himalayan caterpillar, which dies in the winter and remains beneath the Himalayan snow. In the spring, the fungus produces spores, and in the summer period (June-July) our accredited harvesters in Bhutan harvest it.

The health benefits of naturally grown cordyceps are much higher compared to the ones cultivated in a lab. While the cultivated cordyceps can grow during the whole year in a lab (e.g. in China or other South Asian countries), the natural Bhutanese or Himalayan cordycepes sinensis is harvested only once a year. This makes it quite expensive in the market compared to the cultivated cordyceps.

Chemical composition: cordycepin, adenosine, APS polysaccharide, cordimine peptide, tryptophan, lysine, threonine, arginine, tyrosine, ergosterol, H1-A, cordycepic acid, monosaccharide saponins.
Health Benefits

With its antioxidant properties, turmeric can help treat and prevent cancer. They help reduce free radical damage to the body. Researchers believe that curcumin as a beneficial herb in cancer treatment. It can affect cancer growth, development and spread at the molecular level.

  • 1
    Increases physical and mental stamina
  • 2
    Enhances libido
  • 3
    Regulates appetite
  • 4
    Beneficial effect on nervous system
  • 5
    Normalizes sleep
  • 6
    Reduces side effects of chemotherapy preparations
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